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Дом / Банка Стеклянная Томатная Паста

Банка Стеклянная Томатная Паста

Поддержка услуг OEM/ODM
Jar Glass Tomato Paste consists of tomatoes that have been cooked for several hours and reduced to a thick, red concentrate before being strained. Tomato paste is widely used in Italian dishes. It is used to inexpensively thicken, color, and enrich the flavor of tomato sauces and other semi-liquids such as soups and stews. Jar Glass Tomato Paste is an essential pantry staple to have on hand for whipping up delicious, deeply flavored meals-it can transform a ho-hum recipe, like a soup or sauce, into something really special.

100% натуральный

Поддержка услуг OEM/ODM
«Лучшее сырье для лучшего вкуса!» У нас есть высокий контроль качества на мануфактурном процессе и мы предоставляем первоклассный сервис клиентам с сильной технической помощью. Мы хотим расширить рынок с друзьями в мире, чтобы создать светлое будущее на основе взаимной выгоды.


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С высокотехнологическими производственными площадками и профессиональной командой по НИОКР, мы можем приложить все усилия, чтобы удовлетворить ваши потребности OEM/ODM. Качество является основной ценностью в Tianz и отражается во всех аспектах нашего бизнеса. Создавайте богатую ценность, которая способствует вашему здоровью и благополучию.


Jar Glass Tomato Paste is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes, including pasta sauces, stews, soups, and marinades. Our brand, Tianz Food, is a global food manufacturer that specializes in providing tomato paste in various concentrations and packaging options. We offer OEM/ODM services to cater to our clients’ unique needs.

Our tomato paste is made from the highest quality tomatoes, which are carefully selected and processed to maintain their natural flavor and nutritional value. We take pride in producing a product that is 100% natural, without any additives or preservatives.

At Tianz Food, we place great emphasis on food safety, and our production processes are compliant with international food safety standards. We utilize state-of-the-art equipment and technology to ensure that our products are free from contaminants and safe for consumption.

We offer our clients a competitive pricing advantage without compromising on the quality of our products. We have a team of experienced professionals who work closely with our clients to understand their unique requirements and provide customized solutions.

In addition to our standard product offerings, we also provide customized packaging options to suit our clients’ branding and marketing needs. Our OEM/ODM services include private label packaging, customizing product specifications, and developing new products.

At Tianz Food, we are committed to providing our clients with the best quality tomato paste at competitive prices while maintaining the highest standards of food safety and customer service. With our extensive experience and expertise in the food industry, we are confident in our ability to meet our clients’ needs and exceed their expectations.


Адрес офиса (экспорт): Офис в Гуанчжоу: Торговый центр ShunJing, № 610-611, № 855, Industrial Avenue South, район Хайчжоу, Гуанчжоу, Китай (материк) Шанхайский офис: No.806-807, Ailicheng, № 333, Lane 1, Jinxiang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, Китай (материк)

Адрес фабрики: Синьцзян: Промышленная экономическая и технологическая зона Хэшуо Циншуй Синьцзян, Китай (материк) Гуанчжоу: 91 Зидзин-дадао, экономическая и высокотехнологическая зона Дунша, Фанчун, Гуанчжоу, Китай (материк) Хубэй: Промышленный парк Сичу, Цзигуй, Хубэй, Китай (материк)

Электронное письмо:[email protected]


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